November, 2020

What is "debt help"?

September, 2020

LegalTech2020 in Russia

Expert and legislative activity


The specialists of the bureau have considerable experience in preparing legal opinions on requests of state bodies and commercial organizations for the purpose of effective protection of rights or objective assessment of legal risks of managerial decisions.

In order to build an effective legal system based on competent legal acts, lawyers of the bureau interact with the federal bodies of state power, as well as the bodies of state power of the subjects

Практика: Юридическое бюро

Most frequently services

Preparation of legal opinions on the application of law in the economic activities of organizations

Preparation of legal opinions for submission to courts, antimonopoly authorities and other agencies

Our services


Thank you for contacting us! Introduce yourself, please leave your phone number and our specialists will contact you shortly.

Do you have a task for us?

We will help you from A to Z.
In assessing costs and risks. When deciding whether to proceed with litigation or settlement. We focus our experience and energy on building a solid foundation for relationships.